Sunday, April 5, 2009


Sensory issues make haircuts an event at our house. I finally got tired of his hair being scraggly in the back and flapping over his ears in the front. I tried the clippers again, just because it had been so long that I thought that for sure he could handle them by now. The minute he saw those things and heard the buzzing sound he hightailed it to the other side of the room and hid under a blanket. So I reached for the scissors.


I don't like cutting his hair with just the scissors because it takes so much longer and I am not trained to do that. I got his baby fine hair pretty choppy looking, but blending scissors helped alot. The only way that I pulled this off was by sitting him in my lap in front of the TV with Blue's Clues on and making it clear by afew trial runs that if he moved too much that it would be turned off. It took two episodes to finish the haircut, but I think we got his best haircut yet.

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